The Value of Making Time for a Simple Conversation

Workplace conversations are an essential component of any organization and become even more important in a remote setting. Conversations happen naturally in a traditional office environment as colleagues interact face-to-face throughout the day. But in a remote setting, where team members may be spread out across different time zones and locations, it can be harder to maintain those same levels of communication and collaboration. How can an organization help employees feel a connection with one another?  

It may seem like the process should be planned, detailed, and professional when discussing building company culture and forging employee engagement. That’s not always the case. Simplicity is often the best course for establishing connections and communicating effectively. Simple conversations can go a long way in improving employee morale. Employers don’t have to overthink how to give their employees the best experiences; they just need to keep conversations flowing and facilitated.

Let’s look at the value of making time for simple conversations within the workplace and ways leaders can improve equality for all employees.

Why Are Workplace Conversations Important?

Connection & Community

One of the biggest advantages of workplace conversations is that they foster a sense of connection and community among team members. When people feel connected to their colleagues, they are more likely to feel invested in the organization’s success and motivated to do their best work. In a remote setting, regular conversations can help prevent feelings of isolation and disconnection that can arise when team members are physically separated. These conversations don’t have to be lengthy or overthought-out; they can be simple check-ins with one another to maintain a pulse in the team.

Collaboration & Idea Sharing

Simple conversations offer the opportunity to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and ideas. These conversations allow team members to learn from one another, bounce ideas off of each other, and collaborate more effectively. In a remote setting, these conversations can be especially important for ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that ideas and information are not getting lost in translation and siloed and die.


Strong communication channels can break down preconceived notions and forge productive relationships. They can also highlight co-workers’ similarities instead of their differences. Conversely, a remote setting can cause communication gaps and miscommunications. Regular check-ins, team meetings, and conversations to clear the air and ensure everyone is on the same page can help prevent and resolve conflicts. Forging this type of rapport doesn’t have to be an arduous process. It can simply be five minutes of checking-in with one another at the beginning of a meeting. Bridgio’s breakout room feature is useful for quick chats and can go a long way when done consistently over time. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier.

How Can Organizations Provide Opportunities for Employees to Connect?

In a remote setting, it can be harder for organizations to create opportunities for employees to communicate and collaborate effectively. However, there are several strategies that organizations can use to facilitate communication and ensure that team members can connect and share information.

Regular Check-ins

Employers can establish regular check-ins and team meetings. These can be done via video conferencing, conference calls, or instant messaging platforms. Regular meetings allow team members to catch up, share what they’re working on, and provide updates on their progress. This can also be a chance for managers to provide guidance and feedback to their team members.

Collaboration Tools

Organizations can invest in collaboration tools and technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration. These platforms can be used for instant messaging, file sharing, and project management. Employers may even take it a step further and utilize a personal interaction management tool, such as Bridgio that makes connections through short conversations that build meaningful employee relationships over time. This method has significantly reduced employee connection decay, which helps companies keep employees engaged and productive.

These tools allow team members to easily share information, collaborate, and build experiences around relationship design that maximizes how employees know, like, and trust one another, which is crucial in today’s remote workplace.

Open Door Policies

Employers should encourage open communication and foster a culture of transparency. When team members feel comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas, it can help to create a more productive and collaborative environment. Encourage employees to communicate their questions, concerns, and feedback, especially when working remotely, and make sure to listen and respond to them proactively. As mentioned above, this bond and trust can be built on a collaboration strategy.

Benefits of a Highly Connected Workforce

A highly connected workforce is a team of employees who are closely connected and engaged with one another and the organization as a whole. It is built on the foundation of trust. The benefits are numerous and can have a significant impact on an organization’s overall performance and success. They include an increase in productivity, motivation, engagement, and retention.


One of the main benefits of a highly connected workforce is increased productivity. When team members are closely connected, they can work together more effectively and efficiently, which can lead to better results and higher productivity levels. Research has shown that employees with close relationships with their co-workers are more engaged and satisfied with their jobs, which can lead to increased productivity. One study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that employees with a friend at work were likelier to report high levels of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intentions to stay with the organization. Additionally, having a close friend at work was also found to reduce stress levels and improve well-being, which can positively impact productivity. Another study published in the Academy of Management Journal found that employees who have a close relationship with their supervisor tend to be more committed to their organization and have higher levels of job satisfaction, which can lead to increased productivity. A highly connected workforce can also be more innovative, as team members can share ideas and collaborate on projects more easily.

Engagement and Motivation

Improved employee engagement and motivation is a key benefit that is fostered by trust in the workplace. When employees feel safe and connected to their team, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and motivated to do their best. This can lead to better job satisfaction, higher levels of employee retention, and a more positive and motivated workforce.


Colleagues who trust one another and are in sync with their communication have a more effective decision-making process. When team members are closely connected, they can easily share information and collaborate on decisions, which can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that decisions are made quickly and effectively.

Problem-Solving and Problem-Resolution

When issues arise in the workplace, they are often due when there is a disagreement, a breach of trust, or a miscommunication. When employees are closely connected, they can work together to address challenges and find solutions more quickly and effectively. This can help to minimize disruptions and keep operations running smoothly.

In a remote setting, having a highly connected workforce is crucial; this can help to combat feelings of isolation, mistrust, and disconnection. The benefits of a highly connected workforce are many. It can lead to increased productivity, better employee engagement and motivation, improved communication and decision-making, problem-solving, and overall performance. Organizations that strive to foster a highly connected workforce are more likely to succeed in today’s competitive business environment.


Leverage a real solution for the decay of the human-to-human connection and plug your team back in using Bridgio’s remote working tools and virtual team-building activities.